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Email Marketing Rakes in the Revenue (ROI) | A.R. Marketing House

Email Marketing Rakes in the Revenue (ROI)

[bctt tweet=”Email Marketing Rakes in the Revenue (ROI) #email #revenue #marketing #armarketinghouse ” username=”@armarketinghse”] What is Email Marketing? Well, first and foremost it is a marketing strategy that carries the highest ROI of any type of digital marketing. It is an undervalued asset to any business. And literally every type and size of business should […]

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Marketing- For the Discouraged Social Entrepreneur | A.R. Marketing House

Marketing: For the Discouraged Social Entrepreneur

You’ve come up with countless ideas, created brilliant products, useful services, and are eager to elevate your company and community to levels far beyond what you’ve ever seen. The thing is, you’re not alone. So many business owners like yourself have wanted to do the same, but lack the knowledge, the time, and the strategy. […]

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Social Justice- How to Fuel Your Purpose and Practice with Educational Niche Marketing | A.R. Marketing House

Social Justice: How to Fuel Your Purpose and Practice with Educational Niche Marketing

Focusing on a niche in your field is beneficial to the long-term growth of your business and career. The problem with today’s job market is the over-saturation of people in numerous job fields reaching for the same generalized group. General practitioners easily spread themselves too thin, resulting in working on cases and jobs that don’t […]

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What Does the EPA’s “Back to Basics” Agenda Mean for Eco Businesses? | A.R. Marketing House

What Does the EPA’s “Back to Basics” Agenda Mean for Eco Businesses?

Opening up the Conversation for Green Businesses on EPA Rollbacks #back2basics We all saw it coming and knew it was real from the day that scientists and volunteers began frantically downloading EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) data to their own servers in the fear that Climate Change and other environmental data that threatened polluter profits would […]

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