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Healing Trauma on International Women’s Day with Mee Vaj | A.R. Marketing House

In honor of International Women’s Day we wanted to feature a woman with great courage and heart, Mee Vaj. Founder of the Free Trauma Healing Day that began in 2017 which aims to help those who are suffering from trauma to get access to Holistic Health Healing Services that they might not normally be able to afford.

Mee was born in Laos and is a survivor from the violence and aftermath of the Vietnam War. She has turned her own experience of trauma and the trauma of others into an official day of healing. We recognize that this is a movement that needs to happen for friends, our family, neighbors, and ourselves. We need collective spaces where the experience of trauma is acknowledged, understood and most of all, healed.

There are so many situations, from the personal, to the political and societal for which we can experience trauma. Mee Vaj, has opened a space to allow for the genuine healing of these ​harmful experiences. In her profession Mee is a Certified Hypnotherapist whose mission is to “help heal and empower a billion people to live a happy, fulfilled life.”

Mee’s leadership in Holistic Health is to be honored. Though Mee wouldn’t be in the United States unless certain atrocities occurred. We are extremely lucky to have her light and shining positivity to guide us.

Today, we honor Mee and the healing that she has brought to so many people, like a flower blossoming in a desert of pain that pollinates more of us to bloom. That same healing affects more and more people like a web of powerful love. We are deeply grateful.

Learn more about Mee Vaj’s story by watching this video and spread the word about Free Trauma Healing Day.

2 Reply on “Healing Trauma on International Women’s Day with Mee Vaj

  • I absolutely adore Mee Vaj. Her story and what she has created out of it is an inspiration to all. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know. If the world had more Mee’s what a beautiful place it would be!! Who she is and the work she does amazing difference for anyone fortunate enough to connect with her in any way, and for the planet as a whole.


    Lynn Wakefield
    South Coast Metro, CA

    • Hi Lynn, Thank you for your comment. We share the same sentiments for Mee. She is an inspiration to us here. She shines a great warm light on the world. We are very lucky to have her. Thanks again, Lynn!

      Kindest Regards,

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