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Your Sustainable, Black, Indigenous, and POC-Owned Supply Chain | A.R. Marketing House

As a black and brown women owned business, A.R Marketing House has a vested interest in environmental justice, peace, and uplifting sustainable businesses owned by people of color. We’ve reached a point in our world where we need all hands on deck for radical change that ensures a cleaner, just future for everyone. That means sharing resources, supply chain information, and educational tools that help us advance a mission that pulls our collective genius, honor, and shared planet forward.

This blog article is just a start to highlight some of the many key products owned by black, brown, and indigenous people that anyone can start purchasing from now. Our goal is to make this an introduction because there are so many businesses to catalog (add your business to the directory). Because the list is so long and ever-growing, we’re developing a comprehensive database to help buyers and consumers source sustainable supplies from businesses of color. If you would like to add your business to this directory, please fill out this form.

You will also find Environmental Justice resources to use and share with allies as we navigate our path forward together. Let’s Dive in!

Apps and Directories

Black Owned Farms in the U.S. | A.R. Marketing House

Black-Owned Farms in the U.S. – https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2020/6/9/shoppe-blacks-list-of-black-owned-farms-amp-food-gardens

Black owned eco-friendly companies | A.R. Marketing House

Black-owned eco-friendly companieshttps://www.greenmatters.com/p/black-owned-green-beauty-and-skincare-brands

Hispanic Ya! | A.R. Marketing House

Hispanic Ya! Various products and service locator for Latino businesses – http://hispanicya.com/

Black Wall Street | A.R. Marketing House

Black Wall Street – https://officialblackwallstreet.com/directory/

Buy Native Guide | A.R. Marketing House

Buy Native Guidehttp://www.beyondbuckskin.com/p/buy-native.html

Pow wows Native American Shopping List | A.R. Marketing House

Pow wows – List of Native Products – https://www.powwows.com/our-favorite-places-to-shop-for-native-products/


Marketplaces hold the goods to transact easily from various vendors. These marketplaces feature black, brown, and indigenous places to shop for various products.

Atijo | A.R. Marketing House

Atijo – Vintage, secondhand, and artisan products. https://www.instagram.com/atijostore/

BLK + GRN Marketplace | A.R. Marketing House

BLK + GRN Marketplace – high-quality all-natural products vetted by Black health experts – https://blkgrn.com/pages/blk-grn

Faubourg | A.R. Marketing House

Faubourg – Handmade, organic, recycled, locally-made, fair-trade clothing and accessories. https://shopfaubourg.com/

Galerie.LA | A.R. Marketing House

Galerie.LA –Sustainable, recycled, artisan, and locally produced clothing, beauty, self-care, and home products. https://galerie.la

Label By Three | A.R. Marketing House

Label By Three – Homeware collection. http://www.labelbythree.com

Native West Trading | A.R. Marketing House

Native West Tradinghttps://www.nativewest-trading.com/

Black and POC-Owned Sustainable Supplies

Some of our most basic purchases are often tossed into our cart on your average big box store run. In the age of COVID, where ordering online is encouraged, you can now toss one of these products into your cart from a company of color, with effortless ease. From basics like recycled toilet paper and detergent to higher-level needs like green construction and car manufacturing, below are a handful of common items and services offered.

Get the Basics

FPC - black owned toilet paper co. | A.R. Marketing House

Freedom Paper Company – 100% Made from Recycled Paper toilet paper. www.freedompapercompany.com

PUR Cleaning Products | A.R. Marketing House

PUR – HOME and Cleaning Products – https://pur-home.com/

TRUE Detergent | A.R. Marketing House

True Products – Laundry Detergent and Hand Sanitizer www.thetrueproducts.com

Dirt Don't Hurt | A.R. Marketing House

Dirt Don’t Hurt – Bamboo Toothbrushes and sustainable bath supplies. https://dirtdonthurtme.com/

OUI the people | A.R. Marketing House

Oui the People – Bath & Body Care.  https://www.ouithepeople.com

Shades of Africa | A.R. Marketing House

Shades of Africahttps://shadesofafrika.com/

LA Oils and Butters | A.R. Marketing House

Los Angeles Oils & Butterlosangelesoilsandbutters.com

The Honey Pot Company | A.R. Marketing House

The Honey Pot Company – Feminine products.  https://thehoneypot.co/

Nena's Organics | A.R. Marketing House

Nena’s Plant-Based beautynenasorganics.com

Kantanka Automobiles | A.R. Marketing House

Kantanka – Auto manufacturing (currently in Ghana). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kantanka_cars

Naturally Urban Environmental | A.R. Marketing House

Naturally Urban Environmental, Inc. –  Green Construction & Development

Book Stores

The Lit Bar | A.R. Marketing House

The Lit Bar – http://www.thelitbar.com/

Lil Libros | A.R. Marketing House

Lil’ Libros – https://lillibros.com/

Harrietts Bookstore | A.R. Marketing House

Harriett’s Bookshop – https://www.harriettsbookshop.com/

Food & Beverage

ZEro | A.R. Marketing House

Zero – Zero waste grocery delivery (currently in SF, coming soon to Los Angeles and New York). https://www.zerogrocery.com/

Iya Foods | A.R. Marketing House

Iya Foodshttps://www.iyafoods.com/

bedre chocolate | A.R. Marketing House

Chickasaw Nation Owned ChocolatierBedré Fine Chocolate


McBride Sisters Wine | A.R. Marketing House

McBride Sisters Wine https://www.mcbridesisters.com/

Maison Noir Wines | A.R. Marketing House

Maison Noir Winehttps://maisonnoirwines.com/

Brown Estate | A.R. Marketing House

Brown Estatehttps://www.brownestate.com/

Zafa Wine | A.R. Marketing House

Zafa Wineshttps://zafawines.com


brewjeria | A.R. Marketing House


5 Rabbit Cerveza | A.R. Marketing House

5 Rabbit Cerveceria – became the first Latino-owned craft brewery in the United States in 2012! http://www.5rabbitbrewery.com/

60 plus black owned beers in U.S. | A.R. Marketing House

60+ Black-owned Breweries across the U.S.

Coffee, Tea, Water

BLK and BOLD | A.R. Marketing House

BLK & BOLD Coffeehttps://blkandbold.com/

Dope Coffee | A.R. Marketing House

Dope Coffeehttps://www.realdope.coffee/

Marley Coffee | A.R. Marketing House

Marley Coffeehttps://www.marleycoffee.com/

Kyteahouse | A.R. Marketing House

Kye Tea Househttps://kyeteahouse.com/

Pathwater | A.R. Marketing House


Home Goods

LitSoul Candles | A.R. Marketing House

Lit Soul Candles – Coconut wax meditation candles in upcycled cans from food donations. Each candle has a High Vibration Crystal at the bottom. https://www.litsoulcandles.com

Linoto | A.R. Marketing House

Linoto – Linen bed, bath, and home products. https://www.linoto.com

8th Generation | A.R. Marketing House

Eighth Generation – Native-owned & Inspired Native Blankets that provide a strong, ethical alternative to “Native-inspired” art and products through an artist-centric approach. 100% Native designed products. https://eighthgeneration.com/

Shoes and Apparel

Brother Vellies | A.R. Marketing House

Brother Vellies – Shoes.  https://brothervellies.com/

tpmocs | A.R. Marketing House

TPMOCS – Designer Baby Moccasins.  https://www.tpmocs.com/

byellowtail | A.R. Marketing House

b.YELLOWTAIL – Native Fashion, Accessories, Activism.  https://byellowtail.com/

kind socks | A.R. Marketing House

Kind Sockshttps://www.kindsockswear.com/

GINEW | A.R. Marketing House

Ginew – Denim apparel. https://ginewusa.com/

Omi Woods | A.R. Marketing House

Omi Woods – Jewelry.  https://omiwoods.com/

Environmental Justice Resources

Communities of color are more susceptible to the effects of climate change and environmental degradation, yet contribute less to pollution and do not benefit from pollution financially or any other compensatory way. The voice of black and brown people in the United States and around the world needs to build businesses that contribute to sustainable development to advance our collective good. We need full collaboration, respect, and justice on sustainability for people of color and indigenous communities, to deconstruct the harm of colonialism, which has continued to exploit black and brown communities since before the times of chattel slavery and the trail of tears. Here are some incredible resources for protesters, allies, and everyone who supports a more peaceful, just, and sustainable society.

#1 Justice in June

Learning about social justice - a self paced learning tool

This guide is for allies. Justice in June is a comprehensive self-guided learning tool to help individuals learn how to be better allies. It is available at 10, 25, or 40 minute a day segments of videos, reading, and online learning.


Bryanna Wallace & Autumn Gupta


#2 Herbal First Aid Aftercare for All Who Have Experienced


Police Violence: bumps, bruises & burns, chemical weapons

exposure, taser, handcuff injuries, & trauma.

Plant Medicines for Resilience!

Black Lives Matter.

Herbal First Aid Aftercare | A.R. Marketing House

Dixie Pauline, Grassroots Apothecary, MASHH;

Greta Montagne, Gentle Strength Botanicals, MASHH;

Dana Aronson, Wild Kin Botanical s ;

Ingrid Bauer, MD, Five Flavors Herbs ;

Jocelyn Laurel Pena, Paramedic, Blackcap Medical

#3  – A Brief History of Environmental Justice

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/30xLg2HHg8Q” width=”540″ autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes” title=”A Brief History of Environmental Justice”]

#4 Van Jones – The Economic Injustice of Plastic

“How can this movement be so passionate about saying we don’t have throwaway stuff, no throwaway dead materials, and yet accept throwaway lives and throwaway communities like Cancer Alley?” – Van Jones

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/W1UGzaG1Uos” width=”540″ autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes” title=”The economic injustice of plastic – Van Jones”]

#5 EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool 


Environmental and Climate Justice Resource Organizations

“Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. You need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures. From the crawling ant to the leaping antelope, we’re all connected in the great circle of life.” – The Lion King

As we move forward together, business, non-profit, and communities, here’s a list of organizations that are working toward environmental and climate justice.

Call to action!

Don’t see your company? List it! Don’t see a company you love? List it! We need all hands on deck for the revolution, whatever your expertise, your business, and your skill. We must align and build a voice for those working toward a just and sustainable future.