education based content marketing

Content ROI — Calculating Success for Sustainable Brands

Content ROI — Calculating Success for Sustainable Brands

In this post, you will learn: 

  • What Content ROI is for sustainable brands
  • The importance of calculating content ROI for sustainable brands
  • Why the new consumer environment requires content
  • 10 specific areas where content shows success & positive ROIs
  • What to measure when calculating Sustainable Brand Content ROI
  • When to measure Environmental Content ROI
  • When Content ROI calculations fail

When leading people to more sustainable solutions, we’re quickly met with trust and credibility hurdles caused by decades of greenwashing and misleading advertising. The way our predecessors approached marketing efforts has now, thankfully, started to change, especially for companies higher on the “sustainability spectrum.”

SEO: Sustainability Spectrum | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

The “No Content” approach of the past where relying solely on print and digital ads, mailers, telemarketing, PR, trade events, and in-person sales now means leaving money on the table. Especially post COVID-19, not having a pro-content marketing plan means missing the leadership boat for your brand.

The solution? High quality, reliable, well-researched, written and shared content that informs and engages your entire community — now that’s effective marketing. Here’s why. We know first hand that Sustainable Brand CMOs have their hands full. Between managing the production of quality content and getting the buy-in they need for larger content budgets, there’s just so much to juggle. Often, the big struggle is demonstrating the hard numbers and ROI to get the budget necessary to launch successful environmental content marketing efforts. Mainstream ROI calculations are measured with ads, campaigns, and punctuated efforts, yet measuring Environmental Content Marketing’s ROI is a bit different. It’s a wider net of variables that are often affected and is thus much more valuable than appears at first glance. When appropriately measured, we know that environmental content is not only effective but a highly efficient addition for long-term business and industry-leading growth. So, here are some proof-in-the-pudding ways that your team can demonstrate the benefits of and garner more effective budgets for environmental content marketing.

First stop. A better world is possible if…

Let’s take a step back for a moment and observe the opportunities around us. We all know that there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action, which is to say that silver linings can and do emerge from major crises. We often see major innovations due to punctuated events, and human viewpoints begin to advance, shift, and see personal pivots on health, politics, careers, and marketing tactics. Like when the U.K.’s National Health Service built a 4,000-bed hospital in just four days. This new pandemic is no different when it comes to rapid shifts in solutions, lifestyles, and how we choose to communicate with each other.

Normalized market capitalization, MKinsey&Company | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

Post COVID, climate change, systematic racism, gender inequality, basic human and environmental rights are now on the table for transformation. Times are changing, and people are participating in that change, even if that looks a little curious and varied. What is clear is the urgency for implementing mass education and reeducation on environmental topics to make way for solutions.

Circumstances continue to change for environmental companies. People are seeking healthier, more sustainable options, and investors are looking to green their investment portfolios and put their dollars into positive action.

Times are changing swiftly, and how we communicate with our community is too. Digital courses and webinars are up, and online expos are on the rise; everything is moving to a core of online content that is supportive, educational, and mostly transformational. That includes transformation toward better solutions like renewable energy, zero waste, reforestation, sustainable food and farming, sustainable products and services that are higher on the Sustainability Spectrum. With new norms for communication also comes the rise in Environmental Content Marketing. However, organizational communication shifts require proof of concept and ROI.

So what does content marketing ROI look like for a sustainable brand? Let’s take a look.

What is content ROI for sustainable brands?

For average brands, Content Marketing ROI is a percentage that shows how much revenue you gained from content marketing in comparison to what you spent. For environmental companies, there’s a bit more to include in this equation. Your sustainable company has a bigger goal of improving the quality of life and cleaning up the planet. Usually, this means disrupting the status quo on solar energy, solar battery storage, eliminating single-use plastic, sustainable construction, and so on. Improving lives and cleaning up the planet means looking beyond single bottom line sales analytics. Quantifying your impact with content involves understanding how you minimize other assumed costs like public relations, lead generation, and yes, even lobbying, to name a few. For example, authority content helps elevate your brand as a leader, educational content can support political change, innovative webinars can spark even bigger innovations, inspirational content can catch the eye of the media, and all of these various types of content can open unexpected doors that level up your sustainable business. If that wasn’t enough, do you think you can’t create an additional revenue stream from your content? Think again. Once developed, funded, and nurtured appropriately, your content plan can not only be calculated for effective ROI but be the asset driving it.

Adding to the litany of content tracking metrics, below is a basic recipe of items to track for environmental content marketing ROI:

  • Engagement is key. How is your content engaging? Are you making a case for people to take action and make moves toward the goals you’ve set?
  • Making the Switch. How does your content guide more people to “make the switch” and adopt your solution?
  • Measurable Impacts. How does your content increase your measurable impact?
  • Partnerships. How has your content impacted the quality and outcomes of your strategic partnerships?
  • PR Opportunities. How often has your content attracted and improved the quality of your PR opportunities? Whether journalists reached out as a direct result of your content, used your content as a reference source, or as a source of help in telling your story, measuring your content’s impact is key for understanding the ROI or value this is bringing back to your company.

Why is it important to track content ROI for sustainable brands?

What we can measure, we can surely improve. Keeping track of profits while delivering critical education will help make careful, thoughtful measurements of your ROI. When more people adopt green brands and sustainable initiatives, it leads to bigger environmental impacts, a greater ROI for all. It’s a proportional relationship; the better your solution, the more you share and educate on it, the more people “make the switch,” and the better your impact on the planet. For this equation to play out to the best of its ability, people need the education to lead them to the answer, to lead them to your solution.

It’s essential to calculate content ROI because it’s a core driver of long-term sales conversions for sustainable brands. Therefore, tracking content ROI for the C-suite means showing proof that your marketing efforts are paying off. It’s also vital for learning where to pivot when necessary. It informs and validates the content topics, and it keeps teams in tune with the goals. Tracking content efforts will help you know if consumers, investors, vendors, supply chains, media contacts, advocates, and influencers are becoming more informed and sharing your content. It’s important to track content ROI as content is a force that strengthens many efforts in an organization.

Investing in content for the new consumer environment

Investing in content for the new consumer environment | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, people were beginning to take the environment and their health into consideration much more when making buying decisions. This interest in sustainability has since increased after COVID-19. Looking at a Deloitte Global Marketing Trends study of consumers and executives on how to understand better how consumers and executives are responding to these new consumer environments:

  • more than 25% of those who noticed brands acting in their own self-interest walked away from those brands
  • more than 70% agreed they valued digital solutions that deepened their connection with other people, and 63% believe they will rely on digital technologies more than they did before the pandemic, even well after it subsides
  • 58% of respondents could recall at least one brand that quickly pivoted to better respond to their needs, and 82% said this led to them doing more business with the brand

We’re all seeking more sustainable products and services. C-suite executives are seeing significant declines in consumer confidence. People know what greenwashing is and are hesitant to trust brands claiming to be eco-friendly, eco-conscious, green, or sustainable. Environmentally-focused companies have double, maybe triple the work to prove they are viable environmental solutions worthy of trust.

If you are new to leveraging content for your environmental brand, knowing how to measure your content’s success means examining the myriad of ways content is valuable and brings successful outcomes. Here are the areas to look for content ROI success.

environmental content marketing

10 areas where environmental content marketing can yield a positive ROI

10 areas where environmental content marketing can yield a positive ROI | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

#1 Improved leads

It’s all about the quality. Quality content produces quality leads and buy-in. If you’re a B2B company, analyzing the people who are buying your products or services will mean finding out what your prospects’ pain points are and what environmental processes they need to understand better. Then your job is to create content that supports them in their buying process.

Here are some questions to ask for ensuring that you’re on the right track when developing content that improves quality lead generation.

  • For B2B clients, what content/education will help them get buy-in from their C-suite executives and decision-makers?
  • What do your solutions look like during a crisis, like a pandemic? Where can you demonstrate support in your content? How will your sustainable company be an asset to clients during this time?
  • What pain points are your sales team experiencing?
  • How does your team feel about your company? What does your staff already know, and what do they need to learn more about? What are they excited about most?
  • How much time do your sales leads have to consume information (minimal or do they have time to make digest longer content forms)?
  • What formats and platforms do your leads prefer getting information?

Every piece of content you create and disseminate will be more valuable with clear call-to-actions and engaging components. You can make your lead-generating content strategic when you know enough about your leads to educate and qualify them.

#2 Improved sales – measuring sales ROI from content can increase content budgets

Every piece of content will have a specific goal in order to measure the ROI from each content. The importance of not separating your marketing and sales team is paramount. The reason environmental content marketing is so powerful is that it is doing everything in its power to achieve your company’s goals through strategic communication efforts. A big part of those goals is sales. “There is no reason why sustainability cannot be profitable — as it is inherently valuable. Health, clean water, clean air are all quality of life necessities; therefore, sustainability must be recognized as profitable for it to be the norm and sustain its essential place in a functioning society.” Denise Anderson-Rivas Director of Environmental Education & Content at A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House.

Creating content that supports the sales process and team will involve tracking the content. Drawing out specific strategies in a diagram for each piece of content is a way to keep track of results. If a sales email is sent out, it will be beneficial to track the clicks and its many deals. Paying close attention to each page created will not only show how many leads were turned into sales, but it will also give you inside knowledge on what other types of helpful content to create to keep people engaged and repeat customers.

#3 Increased web traffic

Your website is the hub of your content. Every page has a goal and strategy to take people on the important educational journey to engage with and commit to your brand’s solution. The more helpful you are here, the bigger your ROI, the more traffic and conversions you get, the bigger content budgets you can garner. Your site is a place to keep updated with valuable content, lead people to sign-up, engage, and join the cause. Tracking how many visitors, how long people stay on your page, where they end up, where they’re clicking, where they’re signing up, where they’re commenting, where they’re referred from, and so on will allow you to know how well each piece of content on your website is performing. Your team will know what information you may want to add or alter and if you need to be more or less assertive with your call-to-action. Great website content will attract more people via stellar SEO, shared content, affiliate shares, and all of the channels your content is shared to.

#4 Improved onsite engagement

The goal is to continue building relationships and engagement leveraging your company’s website content. Measuring your customer relationship building’s success and how often people return and find value is critical to ensuring your content is keeping visitors increasingly engaged.

#5 Accelerated social media conversion

Look to your social media microcontent to see if your content is driving sales conversions. How are people engaging with your social content? Are they sharing it, commenting on it, going to your campaign pages, checking out, and converting? Getting creative with engagement on social media while delivering high-value content will create a feedback loop. The information you receive from engagement will also help develop even more valuable content that your community wants. Something as simple as creating content that answers people’s questions can add immense value and make your audience smarter.

#6 Stellar search engine optimization (SEO)

The more helpful your content, the higher you will rank on Google; it’s as simple as this fact. Yes, that means you can pay less for google ads or opt-out of paid google ads altogether and rank organically. Yes, quality content doesn’t need ads behind it; however, depending on your goals putting ad spend behind quality content will take it that much further. Making sure your content ranks well for your target keywords, appearing in answer boxes for relevant terms, making sure you have high domain authority, and getting inbound links are measures always to track. Everywhere content is housed will need SEO tracking and updating. The only way to focus on your SEO strategy, now and into the future, is always to create valuable, beneficial content.

#7 Next level exposure and topic authority

Stellar content helps build authority on a topic, making sure people view your company as a leader to source reliable information. Most often, this type of leadership content is educational. Educational content is often easily and quickly shared with friends and family, driving traffic to your website. This increase in reach provides the potential to generate leads and sales. Leadership content also paves the way to getting media coverage from respected outlets. You will quickly find that your content is adopted and mentioned in relevant radio and television shows. When tracking media mentions, note the important role your educational content played in building relationships with journalists and other media contacts. In turn, these efforts will get your brand in front of a wider audience. It’s very important not to skimp on quality content for this reason because these relationships and opportunities take time to build. Content is 20% of the battle; 80% will be the action of marketing your business and developing the relationships that come with the territory of leveraging quality content. Leveraging content for increased brand recognition and topic authority in your industry sparks countless possibilities to open.

#8 Better PR & journalist engagement

When journalists have interesting, helpful information on your brand, they more often than not write about it because, hey, you gave them a reason to! With environmental companies, you probably want more than a forced write up. You want to become eligible for awards, highlighted on new innovation lists, create new opportunities, collaborate with people in your industry. This creates new sections in publications, and new journalists need to understand what’s new, what’s the big deal, and how to talk about it.

#9 More quality partnerships for environmental companies

For environmental companies, partnerships often mean collaboration to raise awareness on a particular topic and often to highlight the breakthrough in your industry. Content plays into partnerships by acting as a magnet. The more compelling and educational the content you produce is, the more other brands will want to be a part of what your company is doing. Opening opportunities for co-branded content, co-branded products, event partnerships, partnerships for education, partnerships for environmental staff training, cost-sharing for advertising, and a host of other benefits – these partnerships for the planet are something we like to call the “supernova effect.”

More quality partnerships for environmental companies | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

People are all coming to terms with the fact that we cannot achieve sustainability or success in general without more people and companies collaborating. Brands coming together and educating on their zone of genius in a collaborative fashion pays off with:

  • More awareness for your respective companies
  • Wider distributive network
  • Overall cost savings
  • More opportunities for innovative ideas when everyone is a player at the table
  • Bigger opportunity to make a measurable impact on the planet and society

#10 Demonstrating your impact on the planet

Suppose you’re offering a sustainable solution for the planet. In that case, most likely, your ROI is directly tied to your impact on the planet. We live in a time of exasperated natural disasters, environmental pollution; we see the direct effects of climate change play out. While all of this is going on, it is being documented with smartphones – the people are now the environmental news beat. And they are (we are) rightfully concerned with our health and the environment and learning that the two are inextricably connected. We want to know which corporations are greenwashing and which are daring to do really great things for the planet and are acting as guardians of our health. That differentiation is usually accomplished with transparency. People want to see those receipts for your positive, measurable impact because talk is cheap. All eyes are on the sustainably innovative businesses and how they are contributing to a better future. The better information you provide, the more shareable your content will be, and the more people will engage with your organization. Hey, they may even take your educational info and make better decisions based on it. Now that’s what disrupts a stagnant market. Measuring your impact and sharing relevant content on it is one of the best plays you can make right now.

Every piece of content across various platforms will be measured differently, depending on your goals, metrics like increase in followers, conversions, how many people reacted, commented and shared your post.  Whatever your goal is, you will benefit from measuring how well that content performed, then adjust and keep improving. Then you measure your impact and correlate this back to measuring the impact of your content. How many people did you help, minds did you sway, habits did you change for the better? Think of your content as an ecosystem, and measure the results by its impact on people, the planet, and profits.

What to measure when reporting ROI for sustainable brand content?

Each piece of content will have specific goals. The content will not only be helpful but create an action for the leads to take. This will all depend on your business goals. Although there are challenges to measuring content ROI, tracking all the places your content will end up, and the journey you want people to take will be where and what to report. With that, you can measure the impact actions and adapting your company’s solution will have on the planet. You will not only want to track leads and sales but all of your goals.

KPIS Content Marketing Institute | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

When do you measure environmental content ROI?

When do you measure environmental content ROI | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

The short answer is constantly. However, the goal and the content format will be critical in knowing when to measure your environmental content ROI. If your goal is to attract leads starting with a blog article post, you will want to track after you start disseminating. Then the microcontent you create for social media, you will want to check weekly or monthly depending on your goal. As a point of comparison, ads are different to measure because they have a start date, but most importantly, they have an end date. On the other hand, content takes time to catch, be shared, and get ranked; it also does not have an end date.

Depending on your content and goals, there will be times you measure your content daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, and per decade. The older your content gets, the better metrics you will likely have. Of course, this is all dependent on the content quality, dissemination efforts, and strategy that went into it in the first place. Applying the 80/20 rule will be an essential part of your efforts, spending 80% of your time disseminating your quality content.

Where ROI for environmental content goes wrong

Where ROI for environmental content goes wrong | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

Measuring the ROI of content marketing takes a lot more creativity especially for sustainable companies. There are traditional tools to use like Google Analytics, email marketing metrics, social media analytics, CRMs, and full orchestra software reporting. Starting with some concrete goals and measuring your content results is a collaborative effort bringing everyone in your company to the table. How is every department seeing results from the content? What new content will support efforts for various roles in your company? Measuring your content will always result in a myriad of returns. It will keep your sales and marketing departments laser-focused on achieving your business goals, create ideas for business ideas and opportunities. Without measuring your content success, it will be hard to explain why content is important and to gain buy-in from decision-makers. It’s very exciting to measure all the opportunities from quality content; it’s encouraging and invokes creativity throughout the company.

However, there are pain points that prevent teams from measuring ROI accurately, and thus undervaluing it. Those factors include:

  • Lack of tools
  • Lake of time
  • Lake of training
  • Having vague goals/objectives

Where calculating ROI for Environmental Content goes wrong is not investing in the goal-setting, set-up, training, tracking, and evaluation of it. Each piece of content performs a duty for your business, and the outcome can be seen in many areas. It’s important not to miss the boat on analyzing these results to keep up the content momentum.

A new world means a time to teach, reach, and measure what you preach

A new world means a time to teach, reach, and measure what you preach | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

With the acceleration of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and sustainable initiatives, sustainable and purpose-driven solutions are gaining more attention. Now is the time for sustainable companies, organizations solving some of our biggest environmental problems to participate and take action for the world you wish to exist in. Create the content and deliver the message that will uplift your customers, partners, vendors, and staff out of crises and into the future where we can all thrive. Environmental, education-based content marketing will be worth it, and you can count on that. Still, it’s important to measure and deliver a well-rounded view of the ROI it will bring.



Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog, Environmental
10 Marketable Blockchain + Crypto Concepts that can take Crypto Mainstream

10 Marketable Blockchain + Crypto Concepts that can take Crypto Mainstream

Why Blockchain & Crypto Companies Should be Delivering Education-Based Content Marketing

The development of cryptocurrency and the ongoing release of new blockchain projects can cause a flurry of excitement, but only for a select few in the global population. Though highly technical professionals, executives, investors, and engineers are relatively comfortable discussing blockchain technology and how it is disrupting nearly every major industry, most everyone else is left to ask themselves... “is that like bitcoin?...” If they ask at all.

We’re in the prime time for the proliferation of blockchain and crypto projects and we need to back this up with blockchain and crypto education if we want to reach mass adoption. If professionals in the industry aren’t directly educating, what we’ve seen is that someone else will be miseducating and spin otherwise useful information. The miseducation and misleading of novices within the space is more of a difficult situation to work backward from. Especially when that miseducation leads to bad experiences of losing money on an exchange or setting up an unsecured wallet that gets hacked. Newcomers should be greeted to the crypto world with quality education and helpful tools to getting started and navigating the space intelligently.

Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression - with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing.”

The current landscape of blockchain is one of constant thrill. From being able to buy real estate investment fractions to trading solar power energy with your neighbors, blockchain projects are something everyone can get excited about now and invested in at nearly any level. Once more people understand the vast opportunities in a functional, logical way -- that is when crypto will go MAINSTREAM and it will also ensure a savvier end-user base.

Before email was understood, it took roughly 6:54 minutes to explain what it was and how to send one.

[su_youtube_advanced url="" width="200" height="200"]

But let’s start by taking a step outside of the blockchain tech world and approach this from the outside. Blockchain and crypto began its focus on decentralization, and because of this, it has historically required a bit more self-governance with one's own accounts and assets. When you help to remove power from the hands of the middlemen, it’s imperative that you also collectively educate a wider audience on what that means for them and how they will have to take responsibility or democratically seek out safer solutions than they were previously accustomed to. Yes, of course, many are building user-friendly, safer, easy-to-use platforms, but education on the baseline of decentralization and what this means point by point will be helpful to people wishing to enter the market.

Here are 10 places people can easily begin to start transitioning their thinking to be blockchain and crypto ENTHUSIASTS, or at the very least curious lurkers. Moving the conversation from how blockchain works to what it can do for people will break down some of the mental barriers to entry. Let’s Explore!

1. Savings accounts...

that actually pay! Many savings accounts from mainstream banks are more than a joke, they are highway robbery when you do the math on depreciation vs. taxes on them. With more flexibility and creative business models in the cryptocurrency space, companies can offer more competitive rates for parking your dough. Of course, consumers should be educated on which savings accounts are safest and the exact method your interest is earned. But people should be educated on their range of options beyond and sometimes connected to fiat (your countries currency i.e. the Yen).

crypto savings account | education-based contet marketing

2. Access to investment opportunities...

previously reserved for angel investors with $1Million+ net worth. The investment landscape has drastically changed. More Venture Capitalists (VCs) are moving toward a token sale model of investing and more Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are opting for an easier path to fundraising. What does that mean for an average person? It means you can enter as an investor at nearly any amount you can afford. This is a huge shift in the direction of access to wealth for all… You just need to research and know which investments are most likely to be worth the risk. Here’s a handy tool from Superbloom.


3. Wealth Redistribution = Decentralization

In addition to access for investing, decentralization of current protocols, industries, and regimes means that average people will now have access to and control over way more things than before. In the 20th century, so many institutions and corporations became monopolies and oligopolies because they cornered the market and wrote the law to keep themselves as the sole entity capable of managing this aspect of society. With decentralization, many of these entities will have to shrink back down to their rightful size, while peer transaction on and build systems that empower each other.

4. Real Estate Investing Made Easy with Blockchain

REI made easier for those with limited funds to build their portfolios and with liquidity, which the market has already struggled with. It’s always been a challenge for people with below average means to gain access to real estate investing. Now with blockchain technology and smart contracts, you can use cryptocurrency as a mechanism for representing an actual asset of real estate. These bits can be broken up into smaller pieces that multiple people can come together and essentially divvy smaller pieces of the investment pie. Liquidity has always been a big challenge as well, and the token backed real estate model solves this.

5. Solar energy peer-to-peer trading.

This is huge for decentralizing the exchange for which solar producers and consumers can easily transact together on a cryptographic network. Now more people can be incentivized to participate in solar production by placing solar panels on their property. The decentralization means they are not stuck with the sell-back rate prescribed by energy utility companies, instead, fair rates can be had for both buyer and seller of solar in the blockchain-solar model.

Blockchain energy storage | education based content marketing

6. Incentivize Everything...

by redistributing the power and resources back to the hands of the people. Some examples of this are Steemit, social media credits, areas where people are currently giving their rights over to Facebook and also handing over any profits to be made to someone else. Below is a snapshot of some high earning articles on Steemit, content creators are directly rewarded by readers who send money to their wallet via a link on the article.

steemit articles that have made the most money | education based content marketing

7. Improving Democracy

Combating fraud and making voting a seamless process you can securely conduct from a digital device is the aim of some new blockchain platforms. Agora is one of those, and although there are some murky details in their recent participation in the Sierra Leone election, they are nevertheless aimed at solving the following issues that currently exist in voting systems worldwide.


Educate on systems that remove the middleman from the everyday lives of people who are taken advantage of by offering check cashing at ridiculous fees. There are strategically placed check cashing places located in areas where people are kept from acquiring bank accounts -- blockchain and crypto can help to bank the unbankable and remove the thieving cash checking services that sometimes charge 29% fees to the already disenfranchised.

9. Access to Capital

Easier access to capital means more startups and small business owners in more places around the world will be able to develop their business skills and create opportunities for themselves. Below is an example of one such business model.

nexo business model business loan backed by crypto | education based content marketing

10. Removing the Renters Wealth Vacuum

The next sector to be disrupted by blockchain and how we view ownership rights will be real estate. Through changing the way we interpret and act out property ownership rights, real estate assets can be distributed and valued in a whole new way. Technologists are looking for ways to incorporate a more full scope understanding of land ownership rights, specifically, rights of disposition. Future smart contracts can incorporate these more equitable understandings when it comes to renters rights, subletting rights, a renter’s investment into the property as well as the property management, and finally investment into the community of a property and what that might look like for renters to build real estate wealth even as a renter.

Why Blockchain Consumer & Investor Education is Importance

It’s time to elevate the conversation from a murky understanding of bitcoin to a constructive conversation on the details of how the blockchain works and can work for you. It’s time to start discussing how blockchain will improve lives and allow for more people to get in by developing the understanding to issues that deal directly with their day-to-day lives (banking, solar energy peer-to-peer trading, access to capital, renter as owner, etc.).

The Solution to Increasing Excitement and Adoption of Blockchain to Mainstream

The solution to these current “wall between the tech advancements” and mainstream adoption is creating the content that explains and invites a wider audience to participate in blockchain projects. It’s time for ICOs and blockchain tech leaders to begin formulating their educational curriculum and execute a marketing strategy layered on top of it. We can’t expect that people will simply make new choices because they are better, we have to take the steps to guide them to the reasons why new solutions are in their favor and bring a new level of integrity to the crypto space.

Who is responsible for Educating on Blockchain & Crypto?

  • Everyone involved
  • ICOs
  • Programmers
  • Chief Marketing Officers
  • CEOs
  • Blockchain Leaders
  • Investors
  • Enthusiasts
  • Ancillary products and services

What are they responsible for?

  1. Elevating the conversation.
  2. Making talking points accessible.
  3. Speaking at conferences.
  4. Conduct educational content marketing
  5. Create educational materials

We're bullish on blockchain! Start developing your blockchain educational marketing.


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Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog, Social Justice
This is How you do Environmental Content — Honoring 5 Gyres on World Oceans Day

This is How you do Environmental Content — Honoring 5 Gyres on World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day takes place every June 8th to recognize that there is one global ocean that connects us all. On this day, global citizens work to prevent plastic pollution and encourage solutions for a healthy ocean.


The Non-Profit Organization, 5 Gyres is a purveyor of ocean health, educational content, and empowerment for change.


“Our mission is to empower action against the global health crisis of plastic pollution through science, education, and adventure.” – 5 Gyres



They have taken their mission to the max and created a multidimensional platform with content that supports the following:


1) Education on the harms of plastics to animal (including humans) health and the ocean.

2) Collaboration with other environmental organizations, research entities, and retail businesses.

3) Introduction to and sales of #plasticfree products via their #plasticfree shopping guide.

4) Making policy involvement easy for visitors with quick links to take political action against (polystyrene, plastic microbeads, plastic straws, etc.).


You can see the results of their efforts via the 5 Gyres History in Numbers. For example, the politically powerful community of 5 Gyres was able to put enough pressure on 16 major personal care product companies to remove microbeads from their product lines, including Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, and The Body Shop. And in another instance of action, 5 Gyres was able to divert ~ 16 billion microbeads from oceans and lakes because of their #beadfree campaign pledge.

5 gyres history in numbers | armarketinghouse | content marketing | environmental content marketing


Co-founders Anna Cummins and Marcus Eriksen have merged their respective experience in Environmental Science Non-Profit and Marine Research to develop the amazing platform that is 5 Gyres. With a Ph.D. in Science Education and Research, Marcus is now launching Leap Lab a science center working to build the modern city that addresses ecology, food and water cultivation, waste, community building, and clean energy. We look forward to seeing how Leap Lab dispels barriers to mass adoption of sustainable modern cities.


5 Gyres is the perfect example of how we can all be doing better, as in building communities with educational content that influence policies. Collectively contributing to the movement toward outlawing environmentally damaging products and practices that have been proven by the scientific boards and researchers around the world is key, and 5 Gyres embodies this collaboration with their contributing partners:


5 gyres partners | armarketinghouse | content marketing | environmental content marketing


As a content marketer with an environmental science background, it is my opinion that there needs to be this trifecta of empowerment for better solutions to take on the market. We cannot live in a black and white landscape of hyper-environmentalism that in its quest for perfectionism alienates consumerism and market needs. We are a consumer society, but the hopeful part is that we consume media as well and in this, we are capable of consuming educational content that is strategically marketed.


In order to proliferate positive change and mass adoption of sustainable thought processes, as well as products, we need the same trifecta of:

1) Research/Data

2) Market solutions/political action/lobbying (that replace detrimental products like plastics, petrochemicals, petrol, pharmaceuticals, etc.)

3) Educational content and programs that empower people and forces governments toward solutions.


On this World Oceans Day, we want to thank 5 Gyres for breaking ground on a potent model that incorporates this trifecta for effecting positive change for our world’s oceans, this day and all year long.


Consider a donation to 5 Gyres, a sincerely dynamic Non-Profit!


Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog, Content Development, Environmental
Social Justice: How to Fuel Your Purpose and Practice with Educational Niche Marketing

Social Justice: How to Fuel Your Purpose and Practice with Educational Niche Marketing

Focusing on a niche in your field is beneficial to the long-term growth of your business and career. The problem with today’s job market is the over-saturation of people in numerous job fields reaching for the same generalized group. General practitioners easily spread themselves too thin, resulting in working on cases and jobs that don’t interest them, and even worse, aren’t cases they ACTUALLY have experience working with.

But when your purpose in life and your professional career collide to make a magical combination, this is the stuff that fuels change in the world. It may seem odd that a combination so great might need P.R. or “marketing” but these efforts can fuel the fire needed in this world’s current state. We are battling some forces that need a push back. Marketing your niche is the corporate term and excuse to promote good in the world and push pro-people agendas as well as re-education.

Finding your niche isn’t always easy, but some leaders do an amazing job at using their niche to fuel their passion and stand out as leaders, advocates, and philanthropists!

If there is a lesson to be learned, these leaders are teaching it. Here is what we learned from some of our favorite social justice stars!

Leader 1, Lesson 1:

Talila Lewis advocates for people with disabilities, specializing in deaf, deafblind, deafdisabled and hard of hearing cases. Lewis is one of very few lawyers around the world working to defend deaf wrongful conviction cases. Besides being an avid educator to congress, attorneys, and law enforcement, Lewis is also the creator of the only national deaf prisoner database. Lewis works tirelessly to defend those who have not been able to defend themselves. Lewis is the Founder and Director of Helping to Educate and Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities (HEARD), which is an all-volunteer nonprofit that works to assist and advocate for the deaf, disabled, abused and wrongfully convicted.

Lewis stands out for hard work, dedication, being knowledgeable, and vocal in order to defend those who need specialized advocacy. Education is big for Lewis, as it provides a truly valuable resource to those who need it most. Recognized as a White House “Champion of Change” and was named one of the “Top 30 Thinkers Under 30” by Pacific Standard Magazine, Talila Lewis shows us that serving as a defender and resource allows for unparalleled success. Lewis’ focus is specific, which helps in truly understanding and helping clients, followers, and community members far beyond lawyers in this field of practice.

A big reason we believe niche marketing is the way to go is because of leaders like Lewis who leverage their purpose to serve as field specialists for those who need them the most. Thanks for your brilliance, heart, and dedication, Talila!

Leader 2, Lesson 2:

Andrea Ritchie is black lesbian police misconduct attorney, researcher, writer, and advocate for criminalization surrounding women, girls, and LGBT people of color. Ritchie also helped found and coordinate Streetwise & Safe (SAS), which serves as a leadership development initiative that focuses on sharing “know your rights” information along with strategies and visions for change among people facing the issues she seeks to represent. Ritchie now also serves as the SAS Senior Policy Counsel.

Ritchie is also a co-author of:

Like our previous social justice star, Ritchie is also quite active in education, pushing forth her vision, her views, and her experiences with groups that need the most advocacy in our society.

We love Ritchie because her work spans further than her federal litigation to her commitment to educating and speaking out for the civil rights that many others are too fearful to speak up for. A visit to Ritchie’s site gives access to her blog, videos, publications, and access to her business services.

Because police misconduct is still a huge problem, Ritchie’s specialty is still broad enough to handle a wide array of cases, but small enough to allow her to quickly assess an issue and come up with the best possible solution for that case. Richie has gained enormous trust amongst her clients and with her community, not just because of the number of similar cases she has handled but also because of her respect, education, and advocacy for a very particular group of people who need her, and more advocates like her.

Leader 3, Lesson 3:

Photo Credit: Norm Betts/Bloomberg News

The NoVo Foundation, a Warren Buffett family foundation run by Buffet’s children, is a leader in providing girls all over the world with opportunities for advancement. This organization focuses on supporting the development of capacities in individuals and as a whole to create a balanced and caring world that women can thrive in. The NoVo Foundation is also donating $90 million dollars over 7 years to help girls of color fulfill their mission.

Buffett is known as one of the most successful investors of all time. His families philanthropic work, although different than our last two, demonstrate a strong commitment to using your voice, your name, your privilege, and your finances to support a meaningful cause. The NoVo Foundation gives hope, inspires change, and advocates globally for the women who need it the most.



At the end of the day, specializing in a specific niche allows you to ENJOY the work you do. If you specialize in a field that interests you, then it won’t even be a job, but more of a commitment to fueling your passion. Like Buffett, Ritchie, and Lewis, if your passion is to help others overcome societal & natural-born obstacles to live a fulfilling life, you can specify where it is that you best fit into this field and tackle it whole-heartedly!

At A.R. Marketing House, we focus on helping you use your voice, your knowledge, and your skill set to become the leader that your field needs. We believe in the power of education and using what you know to provide the information that others are seeking.

Marketing comes down to more than just selling, getting your name out there, and making money. It is an opportunity to do good by those who are seeking your service and an opportunity to gain recognition by providing meaningful content, services, and information.
Need help becoming the leader your clients need? Contact us today!

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

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Posted by Carolyn Solar in Social Justice