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5 Quotes To Inspire Legacy Leaders | A.R. Marketing House

A Guide to Inspire Your Legacy Commitment

Remember what inspired you to become an attorney, a doctor, or an environmental consultant? Was it because you wanted to fight for the rights for survivors of abuse? Did a particular story of a victim resonate with you, and you knew you wanted to be an advocate for victims without a voice? Were you affected by someone who had complications with a FDA (Federal Drug Administration) approved pharmaceutical? What motivated you to start your business or enterprise? This galvanized vision and mission should be relayed in your brand, your content, and ultimately your legacy.

This is your legacy, it’s time to start getting inspired and create the content that you feel belongs in the world!

Ready to be a Legacy Leader? Start here, pick a quote that will inspire your legacy every day! Repeat it, share it with your team and incorporate your amazing vision into your marketing plan.


Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Up To Your Purpose And Legacy

1. “To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.” ~ Sr. Thomas Watson

If you think your audience doesn’t care about your opinions and the work that you do, you are wrong dear Legacy Leader. Your audience cares about your level of involvement, it shows you’re human (an awesome one at that). The pictures you took at the “Walk For a Cure” on Saturday morning are touching to your audience. The small acts of kindness you think are too small to share are exactly what will grow your audience. When you live your life following your heart, you will find success and growth in your personal life and your business. Share your good deeds and make this a part of your marketing plan.


Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Up To Your Purpose And Legacy

2.“You make your mark by being true to who you are and letting that be your staple.” ~ Kat Graham

If you find yourself asking how you are going to grow your clientele, or how to compete with the bigger fish in an enormous pond, you are asking the wrong questions. Start asking yourself how you will leave your legacy and how you can develop your business according to this grand plan. Inspire yourself and your audience. Your life is tremendously busy, yes, but start by scheduling one day a month to attend a meeting for your favorite organization, do pro-bono work, or be a guest blogger offering your experience and support. Do one thing a month that makes you feel good, and share your legacy work. Talk about it, write about it and share it. Your audience will become promoters of your brand when you make your legacy the staple of your business.


Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Up To Your Purpose And Legacy

3.“ To succeed… You need to find something to hold onto, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”~ Tony Dorsett

When you chose to become an attorney, an advocate or a doctor, you were inspired to make a difference. Sometimes when the pressure is on and the work is stacking up, it can be easy to forget your mission. At the end of your workday take the time to write down why you started your business or career. Have a content writer turn this into a blog or a quote and share with your customers, clients, and followers. Remember why you are inspired and spread your infectious passion. Your customers want to feel inspired and cared for by you, so base your marketing strategy on what you believe in, share this, and referrals are inevitable.


Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Up To Your Purpose And Legacy


4.“ The essential question is not, “How busy are you?” but “What are you busy at?” ~ Oprah Winfrey

This quote is a reminder to stay focused on the work that really inspires you. Before you start your day, set your intention to be busy at the work that means the most. This will adjust your direction and bring your company’s focus to the bigger picture. Spend some time developing the most rewarding parts of your business. Have your content marketer get creative with various ways to share your unique experience in the world. Incorporate this type of inspirational sharing and watch your name, practice, and business grow with the exact type of clients you want.


Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Up To Your Purpose And Legacy


5.“Your income is directly related to your philosophy, NOT the economy.” ~ Jim Rohn

It is your business, so it is also your mission to spread your message and become an active advocate for what you believe in. Whether you are just starting out or you are already up and running, proceed with helping those whom you want to work with. Develop your philosophy around this group of people and what you can do to best serve them. Growing your services and products from this direction, you will be satisfying a need above what the current economy dictates. Create the work around what you believe in and let your work be your legacy.


Need help to develop the content of your legacy?

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