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Social Justice- How to Fuel Your Purpose and Practice with Educational Niche Marketing | A.R. Marketing House

Focusing on a niche in your field is beneficial to the long-term growth of your business and career. The problem with today’s job market is the over-saturation of people in numerous job fields reaching for the same generalized group. General practitioners easily spread themselves too thin, resulting in working on cases and jobs that don’t interest them, and even worse, aren’t cases they ACTUALLY have experience working with.

But when your purpose in life and your professional career collide to make a magical combination, this is the stuff that fuels change in the world. It may seem odd that a combination so great might need P.R. or “marketing” but these efforts can fuel the fire needed in this world’s current state. We are battling some forces that need a push back. Marketing your niche is the corporate term and excuse to promote good in the world and push pro-people agendas as well as re-education.

Finding your niche isn’t always easy, but some leaders do an amazing job at using their niche to fuel their passion and stand out as leaders, advocates, and philanthropists!

If there is a lesson to be learned, these leaders are teaching it. Here is what we learned from some of our favorite social justice stars!

Leader 1, Lesson 1:

Talila Lewis advocates for people with disabilities, specializing in deaf, deafblind, deafdisabled and hard of hearing cases. Lewis is one of very few lawyers around the world working to defend deaf wrongful conviction cases. Besides being an avid educator to congress, attorneys, and law enforcement, Lewis is also the creator of the only national deaf prisoner database. Lewis works tirelessly to defend those who have not been able to defend themselves. Lewis is the Founder and Director of Helping to Educate and Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities (HEARD), which is an all-volunteer nonprofit that works to assist and advocate for the deaf, disabled, abused and wrongfully convicted.

Lewis stands out for hard work, dedication, being knowledgeable, and vocal in order to defend those who need specialized advocacy. Education is big for Lewis, as it provides a truly valuable resource to those who need it most. Recognized as a White House “Champion of Change” and was named one of the “Top 30 Thinkers Under 30” by Pacific Standard Magazine, Talila Lewis shows us that serving as a defender and resource allows for unparalleled success. Lewis’ focus is specific, which helps in truly understanding and helping clients, followers, and community members far beyond lawyers in this field of practice.

A big reason we believe niche marketing is the way to go is because of leaders like Lewis who leverage their purpose to serve as field specialists for those who need them the most. Thanks for your brilliance, heart, and dedication, Talila!

Leader 2, Lesson 2:

Andrea Ritchie is black lesbian police misconduct attorney, researcher, writer, and advocate for criminalization surrounding women, girls, and LGBT people of color. Ritchie also helped found and coordinate Streetwise & Safe (SAS), which serves as a leadership development initiative that focuses on sharing “know your rights” information along with strategies and visions for change among people facing the issues she seeks to represent. Ritchie now also serves as the SAS Senior Policy Counsel.

Ritchie is also a co-author of:

Like our previous social justice star, Ritchie is also quite active in education, pushing forth her vision, her views, and her experiences with groups that need the most advocacy in our society.

We love Ritchie because her work spans further than her federal litigation to her commitment to educating and speaking out for the civil rights that many others are too fearful to speak up for. A visit to Ritchie’s site gives access to her blog, videos, publications, and access to her business services.

Because police misconduct is still a huge problem, Ritchie’s specialty is still broad enough to handle a wide array of cases, but small enough to allow her to quickly assess an issue and come up with the best possible solution for that case. Richie has gained enormous trust amongst her clients and with her community, not just because of the number of similar cases she has handled but also because of her respect, education, and advocacy for a very particular group of people who need her, and more advocates like her.

Leader 3, Lesson 3:

Photo Credit: Norm Betts/Bloomberg News

The NoVo Foundation, a Warren Buffett family foundation run by Buffet’s children, is a leader in providing girls all over the world with opportunities for advancement. This organization focuses on supporting the development of capacities in individuals and as a whole to create a balanced and caring world that women can thrive in. The NoVo Foundation is also donating $90 million dollars over 7 years to help girls of color fulfill their mission.

Buffett is known as one of the most successful investors of all time. His families philanthropic work, although different than our last two, demonstrate a strong commitment to using your voice, your name, your privilege, and your finances to support a meaningful cause. The NoVo Foundation gives hope, inspires change, and advocates globally for the women who need it the most.



At the end of the day, specializing in a specific niche allows you to ENJOY the work you do. If you specialize in a field that interests you, then it won’t even be a job, but more of a commitment to fueling your passion. Like Buffett, Ritchie, and Lewis, if your passion is to help others overcome societal & natural-born obstacles to live a fulfilling life, you can specify where it is that you best fit into this field and tackle it whole-heartedly!

At A.R. Marketing House, we focus on helping you use your voice, your knowledge, and your skill set to become the leader that your field needs. We believe in the power of education and using what you know to provide the information that others are seeking.

Marketing comes down to more than just selling, getting your name out there, and making money. It is an opportunity to do good by those who are seeking your service and an opportunity to gain recognition by providing meaningful content, services, and information.
Need help becoming the leader your clients need? Contact us today!

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

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