It’s a new decade, and that means ~3,650 days (minus leap years) of opportunities to make an impact, teach people, influence policy, collect that data you’ve always known was important, develop new research. Above all, it’s a time to make it all matter with some community engagement and marketing.
Marketing for businesses that are working to improve our environment – looks much different than a typical business. It takes commitment to bigger causes and insight beyond common knowledge and misconceptions on environmental topics. It takes environmental expertise, new marketing insights, and the right strategy to see your 2020 impact flourish.
Environmental education-based marketing strategies are rewarded continuously with every update. Here are some beneficial educational content marketing practices to follow and start the new decade off with an inspiring bang.
7 Content Marketing Changes for 2020
Content Marketing WINS as the most robust Marketing Strategy for 2020. For Environmental Companies, this means creating high-quality content to market and be ahead of the curve to keep your momentum going throughout the new decade. Here are 7 Content Marketing updates that you will want to adapt to your 2020 Content Marketing strategy.
#1 Video content will need to bring higher quality
Hands down, people love video, that’s why popular video platforms are beginning to drop organic reach in favor of increasing ad spend. This means a change-up to how you will want to publish your videos. A great solution is to multicast, release one long video, and chop it up into chapters to be published in unique snippets to each platform you share on. Another strategy is to go live at least one time per month and release the recorded video in snippets tailored to each platform that leads to the larger format video.
#2 Content that educates will always be king
Educational micro-content is continuing to rise fast as a major strategy that covers many bases at once. Research continues to prove that people want to be the smartest person in the room, and the more they know about your solutions, the more they will be engaged and share that knowledge. Educational engagement turns curious people into leads, solid customers, and, ultimately, loyalists. You want people coming to your business, not just for your market solution but also to learn the significance of your innovation(s). Educational microcontent is extremely valuable and a great long-term strategy for brands promoting environmental solutions.
What is educational micro-content?
Educational interactive microcontent and imagery in smaller formats will be the best strategy to focus on for 2020. High-quality, helpful content is what people are responding to the most on social media. This strategy is key to increasing awareness, education, and engagement on your solution; it’s also the very reason A.R. Marketing House was founded . Creating and sharing content that is ultimately educational and interactive will be the marker to success for green business marketing.
#3 From mobile search to voice search traffic
Search traffic will continue to decline on mobile, 13% to 5% in fact. It’s important to make sure you optimize your website for voice search. This means creating copy that is educational and adding schema markup for your answers to be found by people searching via voice search.
Why is mobile search declining?
Alexa and Google Home products are becoming increasingly popular. This means you need to break down your solution effectively, and thus the educational content around it into bite-sized clear and helpful messaging so Google will rank your answers. This means everything for environmental solutions that want to be found. It’s important for your marketing team to always keep this in mind. You will want to hire for the perfect mix of Environmental Expert & Content Marketing Sage. Make sure your team stays well informed and properly educated on your market and your solutions AND environmental reasons the world needs your solution(s).
If your marketing teams could use some support on how to discuss complicated environmental topics in ways people can relate to and learn, we are the only agency that offers this specialty service, and we’re here to help! Remember, we want more adoption of sound environmental solutions, and it’s our mission to help you accomplish this.
#4 Google & Amazon want your traffic on their sites
Google and Amazon are competing against each other, and YOU, to get people to stay on their respective platforms. What does this mean for you? It means you’ll want to optimize your website content and blogs to generate preview snippets and, if you have an Amazon Product, increase the content and education on your Amazon page to increase your ranking.
#5 Increase influencer reach
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter have all lowered the organic reach of influencer profile pages. This significant decline in reach means that if using influencers is right for your business, it’s time to get creative by leveraging influencer marketing, as the spend in this category will decrease. You can now go after quantity as well as quality.
#6 Leverage “Close Friends” to keep up with Instagram stories’
Leveraging “Close Friends” on IG is a new social hack to communicate directly with your closest followers, influencers, and evangelists to increase reach, sharing, and engagement. This will be the year to really dive into education that will incite likes, shares, and increase your followers as you keep your most valuable players informed. There will also be more ways of enhancing virtual shopping experiences this year.
#7 Gaining authority by building trust
Google has already updated once in 2019 to rank authority over SEO tricks. The days of keyword stuffing and black hat tricks are over – things we’ve always advised against. Google and search engines make most of their profits from paid advertising. Businesses spent less money on paid advertising in 2019, and search engines and social media want to bump up educational content. Anyone else with less helpful content will be charged a “pay to play” fee if they want to increase their reach. This requires a focus on high-quality content and less on the quantity of posts. Messaging and content need to be fact-based and highly-authoritative while highlighting your expertise. Google will reward the most trusted, well-researched, educational content. HINT: This is fantastic news for environmental companies that are ready to educate through their marketing efforts.
Increased content personalization will be very important, as well. This personalization will lead to higher rankings, which is excellent because this falls in line with creating more dynamic content. Personalizing content requires finding out what various groups in your audience are asking, gaining clarity on their needs, and precisely delivering the information they’re looking for. This is how we strategize ranking – by having the most relevant, helpful website sites. Bye, Bye, SEO tricks, and hello to serving people & the planet!
We hope these tips for 2020 have confirmed your current strategy is off to the right start. If you don’t yet have an education-based marketing strategy in play for your environmental solution, we’re happy to help your team get on the right track. Make it a monumental decade of growth that impacts our planet for the better.
Don’t just make content. Make an impact.
The A.R. Marketing House team is sure that brands that provide products and services with a sustainable mission will bring about infinite success and provide abundance in many forms for the new decade. More than 60 countries have introduced measures to limit single-use plastic waste. This is happening through policy agendas, bans, implementing fines, levies, as refill stations and reuse services become some of the more popular solutions. This knowledge and keeping up with these quick-changing agendas help our clients stay ahead of the curve and make an impact in 2020. We’re unlocking our expertise and have officially added Environmental Marketing Consulting Services and Tailored Environmental Marketing Plans that you can now hand over to your marketing team with specialized A.R. guidance. We want everyone to have access to the marketing tactics it takes to spread the adoption of much-needed Environmental Products and Services in 2020 and beyond, and that takes expertise!