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Email Marketing Rakes in the Revenue (ROI) | A.R. Marketing House

[bctt tweet=”Email Marketing Rakes in the Revenue (ROI) #email #revenue #marketing #armarketinghouse ” username=”@armarketinghse”]Email Marketing Rakes in the Revenue ROI armarketinghouse.com

What is Email Marketing? Well, first and foremost it is a marketing strategy that carries the highest ROI of any type of digital marketing. It is an undervalued asset to any business. And literally every type and size of business should have an email marketing strategy. So, if you’re not utilizing email marketing, make this the year you start. Don’t waste anymore time wondering which avenue to choose for your marketing plan. Emailing is no longer a choice. It’s just a matter of WHEN you begin to rake in the revenue with email marketing.


You don’t own your facebook, google+, twitter, or instagram feed. They are controlled by algorithms that can change at any moment, without any warning to you. But, do you know what doesn’t change? Email ! You can nurture your list any which way is best for your brand. You can send as many relevant emails directly to the inbox of your audience. You can get your subscribers to engage with you. Have fun with you. Educate. And when the time is right, purchase from you!

All of this can be done with the right email marketing strategy, automations and execution.

You don’t have time to keep putting off your emails, your competitors aren’t. The fact is no matter what channel or platform you choose to use for marketing, collecting emails and broadcasting personalized messages to your audience is ALWAYS going to be a part of a well tailored marketing strategy. Just ask Disney, Nike, or the World Wildlife Fund. It can also technically be done for FREE at the very lowest budget range. Of course, well executed copywriting and design will push the efforts over the brink into greatness.

I urge you to get started ASAP + by any means necessary whether you DIY or invest with experts, just make a plan to start now.  We support 100s of clients with our Email Marketing Management. If you need help, we’re here to move you forward with the best strategy for your goals. We offer pre-built Industry-specific automations. Paypal credit. Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum payments. We’ve removed the barriers + the excuses. Because we’re supportive like that!