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10 Ways to Keep Spiritually Aligned with Your Business | A.R. Marketing House

Keeping spiritually aligned with your business is key to its growth in the right direction. It is also key to maintaining a happy, fulfilled life of integrity. Sometimes we get so distracted by the needs and the details of our businesses that we forget to make room for the magical. Of course, Business Magical is not a course taught in MBA Programs, but manifestation and visualization are practices that are widely discussed as tools for business success. Beyond manifestation however, I would like to address the ways we can build on our own spiritual growth for the betterment of our business and the world.

Inspired and adapted from Marianne Williamson’s 10 Ways to Stay Spiritually Connected, here are some tools you can reflect on and practice when trying to stay spiritually aligned with your business, from decision making to networking and big picture planning.

  1. Dedicate time each day for your higher purpose reflection. Put yourself in the present moment in any manner that aligns with your spirit (meditate, visualize, pray, hike, etc.) and reflect being present. This practice will strengthen your intuitive muscle that is much needed for making important decisions and trusting in a higher purpose for your business actions, that they are right and just.
  2. Realize you are part of a bigger picture. Your tiny place in the world fits into a picture larger than you can imagine, so a) work your little space as much as you can and b) stay humble.
  3. Be gracious. When we think of doing business, we think of hard fought deals and rough negotiations. But this is a Hollywood projection of reality, think Boiler Room. In reality, we have so much room for graciousness and the ability to accept interactions and people without judgment. Our business experiences, just like our life experiences, happen for a reason. Stay open and gracious to the experiences you encounter and most of all be grateful for them, as they will make you grow as a person and a business leader.
  4. Be the Light. Find opportunities where you can bring light and love into the world through your business with compassion and kindness. Without concern for receiving anything in return, open yourself up to the occasions where you can be a channel of that love and kindness that is much needed in the world. Being compassionate is not reserved for personal time, a special day of the week, or a special week of the year. It is necessary every day to practice compassion, including with yourself.
  5. Admit when you are Wrong. As a responsible business owner trying to shift the thinking of the world while staying aligned with your spirit, it is important to take responsibility when you are wrong. You and your business will grow and learn from admitting fault, and everyone will be happier and wiser for your willingness to be forthcoming and proactive about a mistake or oversight.
  6. Be Kind, Practice Forgiveness. Forgive those that have caused you harm or annoyance in your business dealings. Yes, even in business we must seek to have a forgiving spirit, so as to release energies of negative emotions like guilt and frustration. This doesn’t mean you need to reengage in dealings that will put you, or your business at risk. Assess the situation and decide, am I forgiving this person and trust them again to engage in business together? Or, is my forgiveness on a spiritual level but I cannot expose myself to being harmed or mistreated in that manner again? In any case, forgiveness is a must, the actions you take after that are up to your intuition (see #1).
  7. Be Positive. See the good in people and you will notice that is what transcends. When you treat others with a higher regard, as if they are really good people, you will notice that they will subconsciously try to live up to that high standard. Your being positive makes the world a more positive place where others want to be better and do good.
  8. Be the Best Version of Yourself you can be. In every situation you find yourself in, no matter how great or terrible, strive to be the best version of yourself you can imagine. Be the greatest expression of love, kindness, and courage that you can visualize yourself being. Visualize yourself outside of your body before acting and ask yourself ‘what would my highest (insert your name here) self do or say in this situation’. Then, act on that. This is you truly following the spirit of yourself and your higher purpose. And, whether they know it or not, this is what true leaders do all of the time.
  9. Correct Limiting Thoughts and Behaviors. Do a mental inventory of your negative behaviors and thoughts, not to beat yourself up about them, but to gently remind yourself of how you can proceed next time with a better approach and outlook. Constantly training yourself to remove limiting behaviors and thoughts will grow your spirit and your business.
  10. Wish the Absolute Best for Everyone. Don’t just visualize your best place in the world; visualize a world whose best time has come. Wish for everyone to have, do, and be the greatest they can be. When we truly wish the best for everyone, we are enriching our hearts and the world to move toward the vision of a better place for all people. Build teams, communities, partnerships, so you can walk the talk of working toward that wish of the absolute best for everyone.

We know, there are many opportunities daily that steal our attention from practicing spirituality in our businesses with busy schedules, never ending to-do lists, and the constant barrage of changing circumstances. However, it is vital to our well-being, our businesses, and the world to live up to our higher purpose and be our higher selves. I hope some of these tools have rang truth to you and reminded you that it is so important that we constantly keep spiritually aligned in all that we do, even and especially when dealing with our businesses. Your business grew from a wonderful purpose; let that purpose flourish with the constant nourishing of these little practices.

As always, the A.R. Team is here to support you. If you’re looking for advice, a trusting hand, or some general support we are more than a marketing team, we are your support to do AMAZING THINGS in the world because we know the world needs you. No one person can do it all alone and we are here to help!

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