infographics for social justice

3 Industries That Are Thriving With Infographic Marketing

3 Industries That Are Thriving With Infographic Marketing

Have You Found Your Place With Infographics?

Why Are Smart Industries Using Infographics?

o   To consolidate their data and information in a relatable format

o   To educate and inform their current buyers, consumers, and audiences

o   To efficiently communicate complex data

o   To easily share visuals

o   To reach a wider audience

o   To make it easy to find & easy to share on multiple platforms

o   To build trust

Especially experts in the Environmental, Social Justice, and Healthcare sectors are using infographics to capture and convey their content to millions of people worldwide.

How The Environmental, Social Justice, And Health Markets Are Benefiting From Infographics
Industry leaders have learned how valuable and efficient infographics are in engaging and answering their current and prospective audience’s questions. Here are 3 different examples of how infographics are being used to maximize communication and education of these more complex industries.

1.       Infographically Charged! Infographics for the Environmental Sector. La Mesa RV, a company that promotes solar panels for their RV’s, uses a colorful easily explained infographic to guide their shoppers on adding solar panel options while they are deciding on their dream RV’s. RV’s are a big buy and can be a long and overwhelming process. Why not relieve as much stress for your buyers so they can enjoy their design process?  Infographics are a way to build trust and show that you respect your audience and their time. Infographics, when done effectively, can be a catalog of your target buyers answered questions which brings them closer to the decision-making stage of the buyers-journey. Your audience feels safer with you because they have received valuable answers in one consolidated place, your infographics!


La Mesa RV infographic

Infographics give customers relief and security. Now you have become trustworthy and your followers have turned to potential customers that want to come back to get more questions answered. You have just created a bon-a-fide quality lead.


2.    For the People! Social Justice Infographics. Infographics are one of the most effective ways to reach large audiences to spread important messages and news.

What do attorneys, community organizers, lobbyists and board members have in common? Infographics. Professionals throughout the social justice sector are using infographics as a quick and visually pleasing way to get their vision across to donors, clients, governments, and readers to generate increased funding, topic-based education, raise (sharable) awareness about their products & services, and to communicate what they do for the world.

Digital Paralegal Services is a company that offers virtual paralegal services to attorneys, using infographics to market their services to busy law firms. Creating an infographic that is conscious of time while clearly explaining how they can make attorney workloads lighter puts Digital Paralegal Services at industry leader status. Check out their lead-converting infographic.


Need to inform the people looking for your products/services? Make a short creative but powerful infographic to inform, educate, and bring in the audience that you are targeting. What is your footprint? What is your business hero? Put it in an infographic to move and grow your business, movement, or cause.

3.    Health, Health, Healthy Infographics. The healthcare sector is a perfect place to use infographics. Doctors, Holistic Health Practitioners, and Specialists in medicinal marijuana use infographics to condense their complex information down to easier more digestible, colorful content to reach larger networks of people.

Need a way to deliver dry information to drive more leads? The Plasticity Brain Center in Orlando is a group of functional neurologists which has created highly informative infographics explaining what Neuroplasticity really means. The Plasticity Brain Center creates infographics to teach about the differences in Chiropractic Care vs. Chiropractic Neurological Care. This is a great example of how Infographics are used to educate interested audiences about ailments they may not realize are stemming from their brain and spinal cord.



Empower your audience and your business. Any industry can benefit from data being put in a clean, organized, and visually pleasing graphic. Infographics make your information easy to understand, memorable, and easy to share which leads increased engagement. If you believe in your products and/or services then it’s highly important to share your message with deliverable facts in a well-designed format! Over half of readers spend more time on visual content; why not give your audience what they are asking you for…



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Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog, Environmental, Health and Wellness, Social Justice