
Environmental Content Marketing: Do Marketers shape the Climate Narrative?

Environmental Content Marketing: Do Marketers shape the Climate Narrative?

The bad news, climate change is rapidly evolving; the good news, marketers can use content to make a positive impact.

Though climate change is accelerating at an alarming pace, the silver lining lies in leveraging communications about it as a powerful tool for fostering positive change. But does environmental marketing truly extend beyond promoting products and services? At its core, it undoubtedly does, given its pivotal role in crafting narratives, influencing behaviors, and propelling societal transformation toward enhancing our positive impact.

In an era where climate change commands our undivided attention, marketers are responsible for accurately conveying and advocating sustainable choices and spotlighting companies creating tangible solutions towards mitigating climate change. Recent research highlights the need for marketers to make changes that decrease the environmental impact of a number of industries.

Environmental activism has reached an inflection point, as consumers increasingly demand change from business leaders and corporations.” -Deloitte research 

The Future of Marketing in a Climate-Conscious World

As we move forward, marketers have a responsibility to help consumers and B2B supply chain buyers discern products that shouldn’t exist in a sustainable future and instead educate on green versions of products. In turn, making this emphasis and educating on our spectrum of choices can drive demand for cleaner production processes and reduce carbon emissions​. 

In the future, could there be a virtuous “flippening” where advertising prompts people to choose more valuable, cleaner products with higher standards than cheaper, less sustainable alternatives? If so, marketing will be pivotal in driving this sustainable future flip, where “alternatives” become mainstream. 

Greenwashing and the Role of Environmental Literacy in Marketing

In the quest for success, marketers must have a thorough, scientific understanding of the green products and services they promote, particularly concerning environmental impact. Without this knowledge, people risk misrepresenting, or “greenwashing,” products or services by presenting them as more environmentally friendly than they may be in reality. This can damage a company’s reputation, weaken environmental impacts, deteriorate consumer trust, and even lead to legal consequences for some. 

Marketers, who may not fully understand the scientific aspects of what they are promoting, can sometimes make misguided claims that exaggerate or distort the environmental benefits of their products, resulting in them engaging in greenwashing. This can range from overstating a product’s recyclability to making unsubstantiated claims about its carbon footprint. 

Environmental Literacy | AR Marketing House

Environmental literacy 

It’s great that marketers want to join the green revolution and feel good about the work they’re contributing to; however, careful attention to environmental literacy is crucial in preventing greenwashing. Marketers need to have a sound understanding of environmental science and the impact of products or services on the environment. This knowledge base will enable them to accurately assess the claims made by manufacturers.

Moreover, environmental literacy empowers marketers to ask the right questions and challenge manufacturers and businesses on their claims. Marketers cannot merely take a business’ word for how environmentally friendly their products are. They need to delve into the data, ask for evidence, and understand the methodologies used to calculate environmental impacts.

Environmental literacy involves understanding of environmental issues, materials, chemistry, cultures, biology, LCAs, Impact Reports, scientific studies, business impact, and various industrial processes. Environmental literacy allows marketers to become responsible stewards of the information they disseminate. This responsibility is crucial in an era of increasing consumer awareness and concern about the environmental impact of their purchases. Misrepresentation breaches this trust and hampers the overall movement toward a more sustainable future. The graph below highlights some of the top issues concerning consumers about the environment, according to a Deloitte Study

Environmental literacy| AR Marketing House

The Power of Green Marketing

Effective marketing can play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable products and services. For instance, Quorn’s ‘Helping The Planet One Bite at a Time’ campaign encouraged meat eaters to switch to plant-based products.

 Ariel’s “Every Degree Makes a Difference” campaign strives to enlighten consumers about the advantages of reducing washing machine temperatures and conducting laundry at lower degrees. This educational initiative by Ariel focuses on imparting key information to consumers via a partnership with National Geographic.

Marketers have a significant role in climate change mitigation in the broader context. They can shape consumer demand for sustainability, influence people to buy cleaner versions of products, promote recycling and re-use of items, and steer clear of more harmful products and practices. In doing so, they can help improve circular practices encouraging people to opt for products that lower their carbon impact and helping clean businesses outperform cheap, unbranded, and unsustainable products.

Environmental Content Marketing and Education: A Catalyst for Sustainable Change

In our fast-paced, digital-driven world, the power of information cannot be underestimated. It’s within this sphere that environmental content marketing finds its raison d’être. As a bridge between knowledge and action, it translates complex climate change concepts into relatable and compelling narratives, thus critical in mobilizing sustainability efforts.

Environmental content marketing refers to strategically creating and sharing valuable, relevant content that raises awareness about environmental issues and promotes sustainable practices. It’s not just about pushing products or services; it’s about getting people to talk, possibly altering opinions, and motivating people to do something that could potentially leave a lasting mark.

Education is a cornerstone of this process. 74% of business respondents in a Forrester Survey viewed customer education as necessary, very important, or extremely important to their business’ revenue. The climate crisis we face is complex, and understanding it requires awareness of the problem and a deep comprehension of its causes, impacts, and solutions at our disposal. Educating consumers empowers them to make informed decisions that are better for the environment.

The strategies to achieve these objectives are as diverse as the digital landscape allows. Storytelling, for instance, is a powerful tool that humanizes the abstract, making the climate crisis personal and tangible. It can involve sharing success stories of sustainable practices, visualizing the effects of climate change, or simply narrating the journey of a product from a sustainable supply chain.

Influencers, with their massive followings and persuasive power, can be leveraged to amplify the reach of environmental messages. They can endorse sustainable products, model eco-friendly behaviors, or share educational content about climate change, effectively turning their platforms into catalysts for sustainable change.

Social media has the ability to quickly spread important information around the world and encourage interactive conversations. It breaks down barriers to connecting with people from different countries and facilitates spreading awareness.

In essence, environmental content marketing is more than a promotional strategy. It is an educational tool, a call to action, and a beacon guiding us toward a more responsible future. As marketers, our task is to wield this tool effectively, turning the tide on climate change one informed decision at a time.

Examples of Climate Tech Innovators

Climate tech businesses are taking the lead in the battle against global warming, inventing progressive solutions to reduce carbon release, heighten efficiency, and endorse an unending cycle. Here are five companies making noteworthy strides:

SpringfreeEV, Rivian, Beyond Meat, and Mylo are all companies operating in the climate tech sector, which is dedicated to creating innovative solutions to combat climate change.

Spring Free EV: Spring Free EV is a fintech company co-founded and led by CEO Sunil Paul focused on increasing the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) by providing innovative financial products. The company’s primary goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by one gigaton by 2030, a mission it seeks to achieve through a new approach to vehicle financing that makes EVs more accessible to everyone.

One of the key products offered by Spring Free EV is the Mileage Purchase Agreement (MPA). The MPA is a financial product that aims to make EVs more affordable by reducing the upfront costs associated with purchasing an EV. Instead of requiring the total cost of the vehicle upfront, the MPA charges a fee per mile of use. This approach could make EVs more affordable and accessible to a broader range of consumers, potentially accelerating the transition to cleaner, more sustainable modes of transportation.

Rivian: Rivian is an American automaker and automotive technology company that produces electric vehicles founded and led by CEO RJ Scaringe. Rivian contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, especially by dedicating attention to the large trucks and SUV market, which has needed an EV option. The transportation sector is a significant source of these emissions, and electric vehicles can help mitigate this.

Beyond Meat: Beyond Meat, founded and led by CEO Ethan Brown, is a company that produces plant-based meat substitutes aiming to address the environmental impact of livestock farming. The production of plant-based meat substitutes requires less water and less land. It generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional meat production. 

Mylo: Mylo, founded and led by Dan Widmaier, is a company that produces a leather-like material from mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms. The production of Mylo Unleather is significantly less environmentally harmful than traditional leather production, which is often resource-intensive and polluting. 

In our race against time to mitigate the impacts of climate change, the innovative strides made by these companies are indeed crucial. However, their success in transforming industries and societies hinges on the technologies they develop and how effectively these are communicated and understood by the wider public. This is where the role of marketing, outreach, and education comes in. While marketing can create initial awareness and spark interest in these sustainable alternatives, outreach and education can help deepen understanding, build trust, and drive adoption. 

Education can break down resistance to change by dispelling misconceptions, highlighting benefits, and demonstrating the feasibility of these solutions. By integration of creative tactics and information sharing, we can fully exploit the power of climate technology and pave the way toward a greener world

Shaping a Sustainable Future

As we face the critical challenge of climate change, we must recognize and leverage the power of marketing to promote sustainable alternatives and shape a better future. We can collectively make a significant difference by supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and using our platforms to spread awareness about eco-friendly choices. At A.R. Marketing House, we are leading the way in this regard, leveraging our expertise to help climate tech companies succeed and get their sustainable solutions adopted more widely by offering:

  • Messaging Support: This helps companies fine-tune their value proposition and tell their story more effectively.
  • Raising Awareness with PR: This includes initiating PR or social media programs to increase public awareness of the company’s progress.
  • Web Design: To ensure the company’s online presence accurately reflects its mission and offerings.
  • Digital Marketing and Demand Generation: This involves identifying and reaching the right targets to increase potential customers.
  • Sales Collateral and Sales Enablement: These services focus on boosting sales results by making it easier to have more successful sales conversations and generate increased conversions

A.R. Marketing House has over seven years of experience serving B2B technology companies and has worked with several climate tech companies in diverse areas, from recycling renewable energy equipment to increasing energy efficiency, from circular economy programs to products and services that reduce carbon emissions. We are also a part of the UpCity community of top B2B service providers.

Contact us today to learn how we can leverage our expertise in renewable energy content marketing to meet your business growth needs and increase the adoption to make a measurable impact.

Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog
What Does the EPA’s “Back to Basics” Agenda Mean for Eco Businesses?

What Does the EPA’s “Back to Basics” Agenda Mean for Eco Businesses?

Opening up the Conversation for Green Businesses on EPA Rollbacks #back2basics

We all saw it coming and knew it was real from the day that scientists and volunteers began frantically downloading EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) data to their own servers in the fear that Climate Change and other environmental data that threatened polluter profits would be wiped clean. Now 4 months into an administration that has very clearly stated it will begin rolling back environmental regulations, has released a “Back to Basics” Agenda for the EPA. What changes the EPA is able to make under this administration will no doubt affect the health of U.S. inhabitants and have international implications but will also have a great impact on green businesses. How will environmentally-focused businesses compensate for the lack of regulations that tend to help push greener products and services that are better for our communities, health, and environment? Will we see an increase in education and outreach? Will green businesses have to rely on educated consumers? How can renewable energy companies strategize against this current?

In the “Back to Basics” Agenda Press Release, 9 points of focus were targeted for cutting regulations. How will these cuts affect the operations of Green Businesses in the United States and abroad? I want to discuss some of the points that this new EPA has laid out, and open up a discussion on how these changes affect green businesses. Although it is my hope that the country move on as normal and disregard a backtracking of important environmental regulations that would move our country toward positive agendas, the fact is that deregulating coal, oil, and harmful chemical companies is going to cause a backlash of reasoning and an upsurge in confusion when it comes to marketing for environmental products and services. Here are the 9 points for the “Back to Basics” agenda:

  1. “Following the President’s Energy Independence Executive Order, Administrator Pruitt signed four notices to review and, if appropriate, to revise or rescind major, economically significant, burdensome rules the last Administration issued. This includes the so-called Clean Power Plan that threatens over 125,000 U.S. jobs.”

The Clean Power Plan aimed at reducing anthropogenic carbon dioxide contributions to climate change in the U.S. from electrical power plants by 32% within 25 years (Environmental Defense Fund Infographic below). The plan set a baseline reduction and allowed for states to decide how they would meet the baseline reductions. If a state wasn’t able to produce its own plan for reducing CO2, it would be given a plan to achieve the baseline goals. There were many benefits of this plan including reducing health concerns to low-income people that are most vulnerable to harmful emissions. The most at-risk are children, the elderly, people with health issues related to heart and lungs, as well as people living in poverty who often live in areas that are disproportionately polluted and have very little if any, environmental justice advocacy. The actions laid out by the Clean Power Plan would have resulted in a reduction of 1,200 million metric tons of CO2 by 2050 and thus would have reduced health issues related to such pollutants for a vast number of Americans who do not have the financial or political means to defend themselves.

The “Back to Basics” rollout states that 125,000 U.S. jobs are threatened by the Clean Power Plan, but we all know that a green economy would garner many more long term jobs in the solar, wind, and energy efficient sectors. The threat of job loss for cleaning up our energy consumption has never been a viable argument.

States that have supported environmental regulations regardless of federal regulations, will, of course, be leading the country, yet again. However, states that lack the education and governmental muscle to make appropriate decisions will likely stay behind in the environmental advancement curve. The means jobs will not grow and sustainable income and economies will sadly not thrive in the collective form which they were set to. Green tech companies will have to focus efforts toward greener states and also internationally, as other countries like Costa Rica (98% renewable energy usage), Sweden, and many more sweep their energy to fully renewable sources.

Clean Power Plan


  1. “EPA is restoring states’ important role in the regulation of local waters by reviewing the WOTUS (“waters of the U.S.”) rule.”

This reviewing of the WOTUS rule was addressed here on NPR.

  1. “EPA is clearing the backlog of new chemicals that were waiting approval from EPA, so they can go to market, and companies can innovate and create jobs.”

The EPA has begun denying Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) petitions, or as they have put it, clearing the “backlog” from further screening of harmful chemicals so that companies can move to market faster. TSCA was already pretty weak but was the one piece of legislation that Public Health and Environmental Advocates could turn to when holding corporations accountable for testing potentially harmful substances that end up in our bodies, air, and waterways before appropriate testing and research deem them safe. For a full list of the current chemical waitlist click here.

Below is an old chart showing some of the major toxic chemicals introduced without appropriate testing in the United States and elsewhere, you might recognize a few. These toxic chemicals are now, of course, officially labeled as human carcinogens though they were only deemed probable at the time.

Image result for u.s. most harmful chemicals produced by companies


    1. “EPA is helping states achieve high air quality targets, clean up toxic waste sites and improve America’s water infrastructure.”

    There is great reason to “help states achieve their own air quality targets”. This move is to pacify states that wish to remain conducting business as usual and disregard environmental standards that would force them to improve their practices. Please see map below:

  1. Obama's Climate Rule Under Attack5. “EPA rescinded an unjustified, premature evaluation of greenhouse gas and fuel economy standards for model year 2022-2025 vehicles, and is working with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to conduct a collaborative and robust review of the standards.”

Comparison of Actual and Projected Fuel Economy for New Passenger Vehicles

  1. “The agency is reviewing the Oil and Gas Methane New Source Performance Standards for new and modified sources, to determine whether it is duplicative.”

These Oil and Gas Methane New Source Performance Standards were set to save money, clean up our air, and mitigate human contributions to climate change. This original ruling aimed at reducing 510,000 short tons of methane currently being expelled by Gas and Oil operations. This would be equivalent to removing 8.5 million cars off the road. You can read more details of the plan here. These were in no way duplicative because it explicitly addressed methane and VOCs. Fact Sheet Here!

  1. EPA is allocating funds for vital environmental projects that go directly to the health of our citizens, such as providing $100 million to upgrade drinking water infrastructure in Flint, Michigan.

This is a copy + paste carry over from the last administration and is not indicative of the current EPA’s mode of operation.

  1. EPA is stopping the methane Information Collection Request (ICR) by telling businesses they no longer have this additional bureaucratic burden, with the cost to American businesses attempting to comply exceeding $42 million.

“This appalling decision shows how quickly Pruitt is turning the EPA into an oil industry vending machine,” Center for Biological Diversity attorney Vera Pardee said in a statement.

  1. Launched the EPA Regulatory Reform Task Force to undergo extensive reviews of the misaligned regulatory actions.

This Reform Taskforce will launch its rollbacks agenda with a stakeholder meeting on April 25, 2017 and aims to see what EPA rules can be “repealed, replaced, or modified to reduce regulations.”

So what do these rollbacks mean to green businesses, clean energy, and anyone working in the environmental sector and the people of the U.S.? As of now, there is a lot of wait and see but I would like to explore what green companies are saying about these changes. For now, if you’d like a complete archived breakdown of proposed changes to U.S. Science and Environmental Policy, Michael Greshko of National Geographics has created a running list to help us keep up.

Leave a comment, tell us what you think about how these changes will alter the green economy.













Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog, Environmental, Social Justice
5 Trends In Marketing Your Holistic Health Care Practice

5 Trends In Marketing Your Holistic Health Care Practice

Holistic Health Care: 5 Marketing Tactics


Increasingly, more and more people are opening up to the idea of holistic health treatments to accompany and sometimes replace their current conventional health care treatments. People are becoming more skeptical of modern medicine, whether it’s because they feel it has failed them, the surging prices for care and prescriptions, or the alarming side effects, risks, and dangers associated with current pharmaceutical drugs. Many people are questioning whether to trust their general physician and the choices of treatment being prescribed to them. Individuals and groups are noticing skyrocketing rates of cancer and other new and alarming ailments, which is creating a shift toward concerted investigative efforts for finding the right care for themselves and their families through holistic care. This is an exciting time for practitioners, teachers, herbalists, growers, and anyone in this emerging holistic health care field.

Education is needed more than ever for the many who are exploring their options for alternative medicine. The stigmas attached to holistic care and medicines are disappearing, and quickly! Holistic health businesses, small and large, are learning to keep up with the inbound style of how people are getting their information as well as how they shop for services. Keeping your audience educated will motivate this growing industry to seek you out as the expert for their very precious health care.

Here are 5 ideas and trends to keep up with this 2017 to take your marketing and practice to the next level:

1.Niche companies will find success. There is a rising audience for natural medicine and care so creating your content to educate this rising audience will put your practice at the forefront of your industry. Focusing on marketing the specific specialized care that your practice provides and medicines you have handcrafted will allow you to target and grab that audience that needs your services and products. Customizing your messaging for specialized platforms will give your business high receptivity and retain loyal customers and audiences. No more spending your money on targeting everyone and anyone. Focus more on narrowing your approach to the specific clients that want and need your help. Focus on marketing your content for community building, experiences, and lifestyle over the old product-specific messaging.


2.Building your Targeted Content. Having educational content is key this year and will be in the years ahead. Increased education on the myths of cannabis and the intake of natural foods and herbs is much needed. Not only should more professionals be creating their specialized content, it is so important to distribute this content to the correct groups and people who will also share it profusely. The fact is you hold data that begs to be shared. Educate your audience on the story that your data tells, inform them with it on an educational blog, write newsletters to stay connected to your audience and keep your clients up to date on new insights and innovations. The success stories you hear every week in your office is content enough, so why not create amazing content with these success stories. Whether through validated statistics or testimonials, these stories need to be told. Testimonials, eBooks, and data-centric content are just some of the ways people are gathering their information, so share your educational content on twitter, create blogs, video blogs, share it on social media. You want to create content that provides so much value to your audience that they always turn to you first for their health questions and research. Your audience is begging for alternatives to the status quo treatments they have been receiving from traditional medicine.


3.Video Marketing is increasingly on the rise. People are spending more time watching videos on their mobile devices on every social media platform. Between shorter attention spans and busy schedules, videos are a major way people are getting content. If you are not creating video content you are losing out on a huge audience.

You can use video to educate your peers, students, or other professionals for your next conference. Use videos to educate your patients on research, news, your new products, as well as experiences and successes of some of your patients who have consented to tell their story. Record all of your talks and share it on social media and your website.

4.The Future of Mobile. Traffic coming from mobile devices is continuously higher than desktops, which means that you should cater your content accordingly. People are on the go, so catering your content to the mobile user lifestyle will ensure you reach a wider audience. These numbers are continuing to rise and show no signs of decreasing anytime soon. So make sure you are tailoring your content to mobile users searching for their holistic health questions.


5.Personalization. Concentrating on personalizing your content to specific audiences will keep you on the field running with your competition. Start segmenting your audience by demographics, health care concerns, and advice, while still respecting HIPPA compliance. Separating content by age, gender, ailments, and tailoring content accordingly will create successful leads and clients. Come up with a website sign up page where you can send segmented newsletters of specialized content tailored to specific groups.

There are many successful ways to leverage your unique content and data to keep up with the growing trends in 2017. Holistic Health Care is on the rise, so being a part of delivering health literacy to the American population will set you apart and also contribute to a higher calling of much-needed education.


Have questions about what you can do?


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Posted by ARMarketingHouse in Blog, Health and Wellness
How Americans Educate Themselves in the Age of Holistic Health

How Americans Educate Themselves in the Age of Holistic Health

How Americans feel about Cannabis in their quest for natural healing

As of a 2016 Gallup Poll, the majority of Americans from the United States support the idea of medical cannabis and whether they just have a hunch or a clear understanding of the benefits of medicinal cannabis, most Americans have been denied a proper education on the multitude of the benefits, businesses, products, and services that cannabis offers. It goes beyond the stigma of “smoking weed” and “getting high”, which I imagine the other 40% of non-supporters have concocted in their minds. It’s about understanding that cannabis offers us environmental sustainability, a healthy lifestyle, an alternative and complement to harsh pharmaceuticals, and economic opportunities. Not to mention cannabis offers us an extremely worthwhile opportunity to conduct research, explore, and EDUCATE on this very special Genus of plants.

lup medical marijuana approval


So how does it feel to live in the age where you are responsible for delivering the honest educational content on medicinal cannabis that has been suppressed for far too long? AMAZING, right?! Well, the hurdles are lower, the forecast is cannabis, and the landscape is digital. So here is what you need to know about how Americans educate themselves and how the Cannabis Industry can use this information to navigate healthy channels of education and communication with the general public.


Finding Information

Information is everywhere. In order to expand your digital education efforts, it is important to understand where people are getting their information. Is it newsletters, social media, news apps, search engines, or shared links? Here’s what current research tells us.

pew research centerA study released in February 2017 by the Pew Research Center examined how more than 2,000 U.S. adults obtained their news over the course of a week for a total of 13,806 news interactions, looking at 2-hour blocks of time. The study found that the majority of participants received their news from news organization websites/apps 36% of the time and from social media 35% of the time, while search engines (20%), news org emails/text (15%), and family emails/texts (7%) accounted for the remainder of the ways in which news readers acquired their news.

This means when sharing educational content to an average reader you have to consider how your strategic process should be developed for focusing on the best delivery methods. Your business already has a few social media accounts, right? Let’s call that your low hanging fruit. Start sharing your website centric content to your social media followers. Then take your second step and focus your strategy on how you can get noticed through these news organizations directly. We have a hint for you, original data! Our previous blogs have spent much effort stressing the importance of sharing your data. Share your studies, conduct research, or use current research to support your content. Whatever the case may be, one of the best ways to get noticed by these big news sites is to share content that is not widely available except through you. You have unique medical marijuana data, it’s a matter of taking the time and putting forth a plan for creating content from that data and placing it in the hands of this general news reader population so that they can visually understand, find use in, and share your content.

Which Apps do Americans primarily use to scroll for news?

Pew Research CenterYes, Facebook is still a powerhouse when it comes to social media as a source of news, but surprisingly it is not the only top social media outlets used for news. Reddit proved to be a slight leader when it came to news source apps, closely followed by Facebook and Twitter. What makes Reddit unique is its user-centric rating system. Virtually anyone can post on Reddit. The global community can then vote the post up or down on the leader boards based on its value in this online community. The site also allows people to interact with your posts in the comments, which sparks debate, commentary, clarity, and humor.

Providing awesome share-worthy content is key to making a name for yourself on Reddit. To do this, you need to be creating unique content that people are actually seeking. It needs to be natural, unscripted, and likable. Talking about your business is easy, but for this, you have to create content that will engage the reader and tie it back to what you can do for them. This isn’t a sales pitch. This is an opportunity to share your knowledge, experience, content, and stories in an impactful way.

This graph provided by Pew Research Center serves as a tool for you to understand what other sites you should consider joining to best leverage your original content. I highly recommend taking a moment or two to read through each one to understand how these may be useful platforms for your business and remember, choose wisely.

Pew Research Center

Follow-up actions including shares, posts, comments, bookmarking and likes were also considered in Pew’s Study. The findings were a bit inverted from the previous results of how people got their news. For example, few people spend time sharing news via email or text with friends and family, yet when they do these are the stories that are shared, commented on, and liked the most.

Also, the content topics that inspire follow-up actions are ripe for the Cannabis Field since, according to the study, when the news topic was health related, 66% of the time these news stories were shared. Cash in on this!

Difference in Devices?

Whatever the platform and whatever the content, make sure that your digital materials are responsive to all devices; computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.

The devices you decide to focus on are going to depend on you and the type of customer you are trying to attract and retain. This means using a varied approach when communicating with your audience. Tailor your message, distribution channel, and tone to positively enhance your reach, educate the right audience and bring in new ideas, patients, partnerships, and communities together.

At the end of the day, your educational marketing method is completely up to you. We hope to offer some insight and tips to create amazing articles, campaigns, blogs, and education-driven content.

A.R. Marketing House focuses on leveraging your already useful data to create an entire educational content strategy. Need help leveraging and promoting your content? Contact us!

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Posted by Carolyn Solar in Blog, Environmental, Health and Wellness