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PR & Communications | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

Opening a New Market for a Circular Economy in Renewable Energy

01. Top challenges

Renewable energy is essential for combating climate change, but the industry faces a growing challenge: managing the significant waste generated during solar installation, repowering, and decommissioning projects. Materials like packaging, decommissioned panels, equipment, and end-of-life components often end up in landfills despite the availability of companies ready to provide recycling solutions.

The lack of awareness and proactive strategies to address these issues jeopardizes the sustainability of renewable energy growth. Utility-scale projects, in particular, need a clear path to divert waste from landfills and embrace circular economy practices without compromising the industry’s positive reputation. The challenge required a strategy that educated stakeholders, highlighted solutions, and encouraged collaboration without casting the industry in a negative light.

Environmental Content Marketing Plans | A.R. Environmental Marketing House
Environmental PR & Communications Services | A.R. Environmental Marketing House 3
Environmental PR & Communications Services | A.R. Environmental Marketing House 2

02.The solutions

03.The results

The campaign successfully established the client as a trusted authority in renewable energy waste management. These efforts sparked meaningful conversations, influenced policy, attracted new partnerships, and positioned the client as a forward-thinking leader in sustainability solutions. Key outcomes included:

  • Over 50 articles published in top-tier national and industry media outlets, elevating visibility and sparking industry-wide discussions.
  • Secured 15 high-profile speaking engagements at major industry events, panels, and conferences, amplifying the client’s influence.
  • Achieved a 1600% increase in mentions and shares on social media, particularly on LinkedIn, creating sustained engagement among professionals, advocates, and policymakers.

04. Opportunities