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Environmental Content Marketing Plans | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House

Increasing Market Demand with Environmental Content Marketing Plans

01. The challenges

Asolar warranty company needed solutions to increase market demand for their protection products with homeowners and increase sales with their current installation partners. The challenge was that as a B2B2C brand, their partners weren’t comfortable with a direct communication path with their customers, the homeowners. So, the solar warranty company needed to find a high-integrity workaround to communicate with homeowners. 

Environmental Content Marketin Plans Case Study | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House
Environmental Content Marketing Plans Case Study | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House
Environmental Content Marketing Plans Case Study | A.R. Environmental Content Marketing House.

02.The solutions

03.The results

The company went from very little content production and low market share to becoming a leader and dominating the conversation for renewable asset protection by having a full suite of diverse content to support its B2B2C model. Homeowners began to request the product by name and began to trust the company as a resource for transparent information and guidance on how to select an installer. 


The website became a source of education for both B2B partners and end-users, focusing on providing education for B2C audiences. The surge in well-planned, executed, and promoted content led to the plan’s success, which included the following results.

  • Increased sales per partner by 23%
  • Increased engagement with homeowners
  • Increased market demand by 80%
  • Website traffic increased by 1,200%
  • Website signups increased by 63%
  • PR adoption increased by 50%
  • PR adoption increased by 50%
  • Email Open Rates rose from 60% to 85%
  • Google Reviews increased from 20 to over 400


The multidisciplinary approach to content marketing allows us to support business development. Here are some of the opportunities that arose.